Electing a president

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Every four years (barring death or some other catastrophe), the USA goes through the periodic madness of a presidential election. Wild behaviour, inaccuracies, mud-slinging from both sides have been central since George Washington's second term. And the entire business of voting is muddied by the Electoral College, the 538 members of which do the actual voting: the public, in their own voting, merely instruct the College what to do. Although it has been said that the EC "magnifies" the popular vote, this is not always the case, and quite often a president will be elected with a majority (270 or more) of Electoral College votes, in spite of losing the popular vote. This dichotomy encourages periodic calls for the College to be disbanded.

As you probably know, each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia has Electors allocated to it, roughly proportional to population. Thus California, the most populous state, has 55 electors, and several smaller states (and DC) only 3.

In all states except Maine and Nebraska, the votes are allocated on a "winner takes all" principle: that is, all the Electoral votes will be allocated to whichever candidate has obtained a plurality in that state. For only two candidates then, if a states' voters produce a simple majority of votes for one of them, that candidate gets all the EC votes.

Maine and Nebraska however, allocate their EC votes by congressional district. In each state, 2 EC votes are allocated to the winner of the popular vote in the state, and for each congressional district (2 in Maine, 3 in Nebraska), the other votes are allocated to the winner in that district.

It's been a bit of a mathematical game to determine the theoretical lowest bound on a popular vote for a president to be elected. To show how this works, imagine a miniature system with four states and 14 electoral college votes:

State Population Electors
Abell 100 3
Bisly 100 3
Champ 120 4
Dairy 120 4

Operating on the winner takes all principle in each state, 8 EC votes are required for a win. Suppose that in each state, the votes are cast as follows, for the candidates Mr Man and Mr Guy:

State Mr Man Mr Guy EC Votes to Man EC Votes to Guy
Abell 0 100 0 3
Bisly 0 100 0 3
Champ 61 59 4 0
Dairy 61 59 4 0
Total 122 310 8 6

and Mr Man wins with 8 EC votes but only about 27.3% of the popular vote. Now you might reasonably argue that this situation would never occur in practice, and probably you're right. But extreme examples such as this are used to show up inadequacies in voting systems. And sometimes very strange things do happen.

So: what is the smallest percentage of the popular vote under which a president could be elected? To experiment, we need to know the number of registered voters in each state (and it appears that the percentage of eligible citizens enrolled to vote differs markedly between the states), and the numbers of electors. The first I ran to ground here and the few states not accounted for I found information on their Attorney Generals' sites. The one state for which I couldn't find statistics was Illinois, so I used the number 7.8 million, which has been bandied about on a few news sites. The numbers of electors per state is easy to find, for example on the wikipedia page.

I make the following simplifying assumptions: all registered voters will vote; and all states operate on a winner takes all principle. Thus, for simplicity, I am not using the apportionment scheme of Maine and Nebraska. (I suspect that taking this into account wouldn't effect the result much anyway.)

Suppose that the registered voting population of each state (including DC) is \(v_i\) and the number of EC votes is \(c_i\). For any state, either the winner will be chosen by a bare majority, or all the votes will go to the loser. This becomes then a simple integer programming problem; in fact a knapsack problem. For each state, define

\[ m_i = \lfloor v_i/2\rfloor +1 \]

for the majority votes needed.

We want to minimize

\[ V = \sum_{i=1}^{51}x_im_i \]

subject to the constraint

\[ \sum_{k=1}^{51}c_ix_i \ge 270 \]

and each \(x_i\) is zero or one.

Now all we need to is set up this problem in a suitable system and solve it! I chose Julia and its JuMP modelling language, and for actually doing the dirty work, GLPK. JuMP in fact can be used with pretty much any optimisation software available, including commercial systems.

 1using JuMP, GLPK
 3states = ["Alabama","Alaska","Arizona","Arkansas","California","Colorado","Connecticut","Delaware","DC","Florida","Georgia","Hawaii",
 4    "Idaho","llinois","Indiana","Iowa","Kansas","Kentucky","Louisiana","Maine","Maryland","Massachusetts","Michigan","Minnesota",
 5    "Mississippi","Missouri","Montana","Nebraska","Nevada","New Hampshire","New Jersey","New Mexico","New York","North Carolina",
 6    "North Dakota","Ohio","Oklahoma","Oregon","Pennsylvania","Rhode Island","South Carolina","South Dakota","Tennessee","Texas","Utah",
 7    "Vermont","Virginia","Washington","West Virginia","Wisconsin","Wyoming"]
 8reg_voters = [3560686,597319,4281152,1755775,22047448,4238513,2375537,738563,504043,14065627,7233584,795248,1010984,7800000,4585024,
 9    2245092,1851397,3565428,3091340,1063383,4141498,4812909,8127040,3588563,2262810,4213092,696292,1252089,1821356,913726,6486299,
10    1350181,13555547,6838231,540302,8080050,2259113,2924292,9091371,809821,3486879,578666,3931248,16211198,1857861,495267,5975696,
11    4861482,1268460,3684726,268837]
12majorities = [Int(floor(x/2+1)) for x in reg_voters]
13ec_votes = [9,3,11,6,55,9,7,3,3,29,16,4,4,20,11,6,6,8,8,4,10,11,16,10,6,10,3,5,6,4,14,5,29,15,3,18,7,7,20,4,9,3,11,38,6,3,13,12,5,10,3]
15potus = Model(GLPK.Optimizer)
16@variable(potus, x[i=1:51], Bin)
17@constraint(potus, sum(ec_votes .* x) >= 270)
18@objective(potus, Min, sum(majorities .* x));

Solving the problem is now easy:


Now let's see what we've got:

 1vx = value.(x)
 2sum(ec_votes .* x)
 4  270
 6votes = Int(objective_value(potus))
 8  46146767
12  21.584985938021866

and we see we have elected a president with slightly less than 21.6% of the popular vote.

Digging a little further, we first find the states in which a bare majority voted for the winner:

1f = findall(x -> x == 1.0, vx)
2for i in f
3    print(states[i],", ")
6Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Idaho,
7llinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska,
8Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
9South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming,

and the other states, in which every voter voted for the loser:

1nf = findall(x -> x == 0.0, vx)
2for i in nf
3    print(states[i],", ")
6Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,
7Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas,
8Virginia, Washington,

In point of history, the election in which the president-elect did worst was in 1824, when John Quincy Adams was elected over Andrew Jackson; this was in fact a four-way contest, and the decision was in the end made by the House of Representatives, who elected Adams by one vote. And Jackson, never one to neglect an opportunity for vindictiveness, vowed that he would destroy Adams's presidency, which he did.

More recently, since the Electoral College has sat at 538 members, in 2000 George W. Bush won in spite of losing the popular vote by 0.51%, and in 2016 Donald Trump won in spite of losing the popular vote by 2.09%.

Plenty of numbers can be found on wikipedia and elsewhere.